Friday, January 30, 2009

Snow, Snow, Snow!

I have been back on the road for almost a month, and most of my visits have been in the Northeast and Midwest. I feel like I am surrounded by snow! It is very pretty, but makes for some very cold and adventurous visits!

On January 5, 2009, I officially began my second semester as an ELC. I visited the women of Pi Chapter at Ohio University, January 5 to January 8, to train the new officers. It was a very productive visit and we were able to accomplish a lot of great things. I was supposed to leave Pi Chapter and fly to my next visit on January 9, but the campus is very far from the airport and not very many women have their own cars their. So one of the members, Erin, drove me to Psi Chapter at Ohio State on January 8, and the president of that chapter, Lauren, was able to give me a ride to the airport, which was only 10 minutes away. Coincidently, Sam, one of my ELC friends, was actually visiting Psi Chapter, so it worked out great, and Sam and I ended up spending a few hours at the McDonalds on campus talking and catching up. It was so much fun and I was so happy I got to spend some time with Sami!!

From there I went on to visit our Alpha Beta Chapter at Cornell, to help them prepare for recruitment. Heather, another one of my ELC friends, was also sent to help the sisters of Alpha Beta prepare for recruitment. Our main focus was helping them perfect their skit, prepare for proper recruitment conversations and prepare for the Preference Ceremony. Heather and I had a great time working together and with the women in the chapter. I left the chapter on January 13, but Laura, another one of my ELC friends, arrived on January 12, so all three of us were able to work together for one night. Laura and I ended up having to share a twin bed that last night, which we thought was just hilarious, and we spent a good hour laughing and talking before we could fall asleep. Oh the joys of life on the road! I seriously love it!!

After a wonderful visit at Cornell, I headed to one of my focus chapters, Alpha Eta, at Purdue University. I have really enjoyed working with these women and I always feel good about the things we are able to accomplish during my visit. My main focus during that visit was to help the new officers prepare for the remainder of the year and prepare for the upcoming COB call-outs. We also put together PR gifts and prepare for February’s PR project. I also went to Indianapolis with the Executive Board for their Exec Board Retreat. I worked with Jen and Elizabeth to help facilitate the retreat. It was a lot of fun and a very great visit. Before leaving Indianapolis, a few of us headed down town, for a little shopping and dinner at the Hard Rock CafĂ©. I had so much fun!

Something funny happened to me when I first arrive. I had just come from Cornell, and in their skit, they used a life-sized Zak Efron cut out, which I loved, because I have a huge crush on him. Well, I arrived at Alpha Eta, where I have my own room and bathroom, and I walk past my bathroom and nearly had a heart attack when I see someone standing in the dark, in my bathroom… that is until I realized it was another life-sized Zak! I thought the guy was following me- which I would not mind, if it was actually him!

After I left Purdue, I headed to the University of Iowa’s Sigma Chapter, for more officer training, to facilitate a Recruitment Workshop, to help the chapter prepare for Informal Recruitment, and to help out with Area- Wide Training. Sigma is also one of my focus chapters, and I also really enjoy working with them. I always feel very much at home, I love working with the women, and I always feel like we are able to accomplish many great things. After Area Wide Training on Saturday, some of the members took me out to dinner at Chili’s and we went to see Rachel Getting Married (very interesting movie- by the way). It was a fun night!

I had to go to the dentist to get a crown put on, so I left Iowa City and drove to Nebraska to go to the dentist and fly out of Omaha. It was nice to sleep in my own bed for a night, and I was able to eat dinner with my family and hang out with Tricia and Matt for a few hours, which was nice, because I ended up spending the next 27 hours trying to get to Williamsport, PA!

I flew out of Omaha at 1:30 PM on Tuesday, January 27 to the Chicago- O’Hare Airport. I flew from Chicago to Philadelphia and I was supposed to fly from Philadelphia to State College. Well, I arrive in Philadelphia, and as I was walking to my next gate, my phone rang- Orbitz Alert- my flight to State College was cancelled. I was not about to sleep in an airport, so I called Tracy and she gave me permission to check into a hotel, and I was able to get the “distressed passenger rate” at the Quality Hotel. I checked out at 7:30 AM on Wednesday and took the shuttle back to the airport. I headed to my gate and shortly after that they announced that my flight was cancelled. I was then booked on the 12:45 PM flight. So I had some time to catch up on emails, work on reports and read New Moon, the second book in the Twilight series. I sat at my gate and at about 12:15 PM, they announce our flight was delayed. More emails, work and reading. At 1:45 PM I finally boarded the plane to State College. Once I arrived there I waited for the President of our Iota Mu Chapter at Lycoming College to come and pick me up, which took a while because it was still snowing and the roads we a little scary. She and her roommate, arrived safely and we then began the two hour and 30 minute drive to Williamsport, PA. I took that long because it was still pretty scary out. At about 6:00 PM EST, I finally arrive in Williamsport, PA, which is where I am at until next Thursday! I am helping the chapter prepare for recruitment, and I will be here to help them during recruitment. I have worked with the women of Iota Mu before, and I really like it here, so I am excited and very happy to be here. Recruitment starts on Monday. We have already had two nights of recruitment workshops and they went great! It should be a great weekend! I am very excited!!

Well that’s about it for now!! Have a great weekend!!
All my love-


Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Best of 2008 & Wishes for 2009

1. Student teaching 6th grade at Scott Middle School and Graduating from the University of Nebraska- Lincoln with an Elementary Education degree were two of the best things that happened to me in 2008. I had an amazing time student teaching and I really connected with my cooperating teacher, Mr. Daharsh and the 6th grade students. I was also the site director for the YMCA after school program at Scott for the past three years, so I have a true connection with the faculty, staff, students and families at Scott Middle School and it felt natural to do my student teaching there. Graduating was an amazing feeling, 4 years of hard work and dedication paid off and I am so proud to have been a Husker, to be a graduate from UNL. Thank you so much, Mom and Dad, for all of your love and support and for giving a great college education. Thank you to all of my family and friends for all of your love and support, and for making my years a UNL fun and memorable, and for celebrating with my at my Graduation party. I love you all so much!!

2. Being hired to be an Alpha Xi Delta Educational Leadership Consultant. Ever since I learned what and ELC was, it became a dream of mine to become one. Alpha Xi Delta has given me so much and I was so inspired by my own chapter advisor, Becky, and by the other Alpha Xi Deltas I’ve met at the National Convention and The Workout, that I wanted the opportunity to give back and inspire other Alpha Xi Deltas. I knew that as an ELC I could inspire women to realize their potential as I continue to realize mine. Alpha Xi Delta is truly an amazing organization and I am so thankful to be a part of it. Traveling as an ELC I’ve been able to see so many great places and meet so many amazing people! I thank God everyday for all of the memories and lessons I am learning as I continue on this amazing journey. I love my job!!

3. I was able to do many fun things with my friends in 2008, and the next few items on the list are my favorite memories from the year. I kicked of 2008 by going skiing in Silverthorne, Colorado in January with my Alpha Xi Delta sisters from my new member class of 2004. It was our big trip as a class, as a group of friends. We had an amazing time and it was a very memorable trip of snow tubing, shopping, going out, hanging out and just having fun.

4. Teri & Abram Clark’s wedding was so awesome. Stephanie Murnan, Alysa, LeAnna, Lauren and Alison were Teri’s bridesmaids. Everything from getting our hair done at the salon to the beautiful ceremony, to the rock star reception, it was a memorable event. Ross, Andy, Matt and a bunch of our other Gross High classmates met us all at the reception. Because we were all in drama and choir together we busted out a few choreographed moves during the reception. It was so much fun!! Love you, friends!! Helen & Josh Cool’s wedding was also a blast! I was a bridesmaid in that wedding as well and it was a great weekend!! We sang to them, we danced! I will say small town boys know how to dance!

5. Alpha Xi Delta’s Senior Week & Spring Formal. Senior Week was a little bittersweet, but very memorable. Spring Formal was so much fun; we ditched our guys and decided to go to formal as a group. We had a blast!! Definitely a high light of the year! I love you girls!!

6. The “Sraguoc” family reunion at Platt River State Park. Tricia, LeAnna, Lauren, Steph, Teir, Alysa, Amanda, Matt, Andy, John, Abram, Zach, Liam and Jared, thank you for being such great friends and for such a fun trip. Can’t wait until we can do that again at the end of 2009!!

6. Weekly hang outs with Liz. Elizabeth has been my best friend since I was 9, and in the last few years, despite the fact that I went to school in Lincoln, we just didn’t get together that often. However, my last semester at UNL, Liz and I were able to get together almost every Wednesday night, we’d meet for drinks and appetizers at Applebee’s, go shopping, eat dinner at Breada, just hang out at her house or get our nails done; it didn’t really matter what we did, but it was great to catch up and reconnect. Love ya, Liz!

7. Training in Indianapolis with my ELC sisters! This was a life changing time. I left home, newly single and fresh out of college, and very nervous of what the next few months would bring. I was so blessed to have 5 other women with me, going through the same thing I was, supporting me, loving me, laughing, growing and learning with me, as we all learned how to stand on our own to feet. These women have become my best friends and I love you all so much. We had an amazing time together in Indianapolis, in St. Louis and in Atlanta!! Memories I will cherish forever!! I also had an awesome time in Indianapolis with my ELC and LC sisters in December. It was so great to get to know the my LC sisters a little better and to all be together again. Winter, Laura, Mary, Heather, Sam, Samantha and Margaret, I love you all.

8. First dates- dinner, smoothies, ice skating and movie- all in one night!! Hand holding and first kisses that take your breath away.

That’s the best of 2008. There were a lot of other great things that happened in 2008, but these items listed above take the cake! 2008 was fun, exciting, challenging, life changing, emotional, interesting, inspiring and amazing! Although 2008 was pretty great, I just have a feeling 2009 will be even better! Here are a few goals I have set for 2009:
1. Get a teaching job.
2. Buy a car.
3. Get a place to live, other than Mom & Dad’s house.
4. Fall in love.
5. Adopt a pet.
6. Go on a few summer vacations with my family & friends.
7. Learn something new, everyday.
8. Dance a little more often.
9. Be brave, take a risk, take a chance.
10. Become a better person, do more good.

I wish you and yours all the best in 2009!

Lots of Love,
