Sunday, October 16, 2011

30 Day Photo Challenge- Playing Catch Up!- Day 21

Day 21 - A Photo of your Family and 5 facts about them

I couldn't just pick one picture, so I made a little video of pictures. However, after waiting for an hour and 30 minutes for the video to upload I decided to post without the video. I will try posting it again later or I will try to make a collage!

Here are my 5 facts about my family:

1. I hope that someday my children will look up to me the way I look up to my Parents. Their love and the way they love us and put our family first is something so inspiring and I am so blessed to be their daughter.

2. The top chefs in the world don’t even compare to my Grandma. She is the most amazing cook and one of the most amazing women I know. She has always been my cheerleader and her belief in me has always helped strengthen my belief in myself.

3. Grandma Krysl really taught me to keep my faith in God strong. When I was a little girl I remember her telling me “always remember that God let’s bad things happen so that even better things can happen,” and that kind of faith has helped me through some of the toughest times in life. She’s right, better things always come out of the bad. It was my Grandpa who helped me find my voice when I was little and he made me want to sing. Singing at church on Sundays or listening to my Grandpa sing on Sundays always fills my heart with joy.

4. My sister and brothers are amazing. We love, respect and understand each other and we always know how to have fun together. They have taught me so many things and I love them so much!

5. My aunts, uncles and cousins are awesome!! We always make it a point to get together to celebrate the little and big things- birthdays, holidays, and of course, Husker games! We also enjoy going on trips together and some of my best memories are from being with my family.

Monday, September 26, 2011

30 Day Photo Challenge- Playing Catch Up!- Day 20

Hello Everyone!! I am happy to be back!! Helen, my good friend who lives over 3 hours away from me gave me a to-do list and updating my blog was task number 1, so I decided to start back up by finishing my 30 day challenge!!

Day 20- A Photo of Something You Love

I was born a Husker!! Being born in September meant I "watched" my first game when I was 6 days old!! Ever since I can remember my family has had season tickets to the Husker football games, which means for as long as I can remember my family spends home game Saturdays during football season tailgating! If it's an away game, we get together at someone's house to watch the game. When I started college at UNL my family's tailgate became the gathering place for me and all my friends. When I graduated and was on the road traveling for AXiD my friends would call me and ask if they could go to the Krysl tailgate even though I wasn't there. The tailgate is known for the good food but more importantly the great times with great people. We even have our own little tailgate mascot, BobToBob, who has over 100 friends on facebook! Football season brings together two things I love- Husker football and tailgating- while bringing together the people I love to spend time with! If you are ever in the area be sure to stop by and say hello!! GO BIG RED!!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Happy 25th Birthday Dustin!!

Happy 25th Birthday Dustin!!!

You are the best and I am the luckiest!!
There are so many things that I love about you but I want you to know that
I love your love the most!!
Happy Birthday & All My Love,

Sunday, March 13, 2011

30 Day Photo Challenge- Playing Catch Up!- Day 19

Day 19- A Photo of Something Cool

My baby brother, Colin, being awarded the gold medal in the 100 Fly! My Aunt Kolene took more pictures of the whole day, I will have to post them later! We are do proud!! Love you, Colin!

30 Day Photo Challenge- Playing Catch Up!- Day 18

Day 18- A Photo From Your Favorite Holiday

This is a tie between Christmas and Thanksgiving. Christmas for my family has always been a 3 day event spending Christmas Eve with my Grandma and Grandpa Krysl after going to church, spending Christmas Day at my Grandma Padilla's with my mom's side of the family and spending the day after Christmas with the whole Krysl side at Grandma and Grandpa's again. Padilla Christmas consists of opening presents all together in Grandma's living room and eating her famous spaghetti with her homemade sauce and homemade meatballs. Krysl Christmas consists of lots of noise, we usually play some games, a dance show (yes, we, the cousins, make up a dance and show it off) eat Grandpa's homemade soups and chili and if you are over 21 you can participate in the Santa Steal Exchange.
This year, I also was excited to add a little more to my Christmas celebration by spending time with Dustin and his family! We spent Christmas Eve, Eve with his mom's side of the family and Christmas Eve with his dad's side. It was a lot of fun and I was so thankful that I was included!

Thanksgiving is also one of my favorite holidays! When I was born (I am the oldest and was the first grandchild born on both sides) my parent's decided to start hosting Thanksgiving for my mom's side and my dad's side, at their house. As the family has grown so has the table and this past Thanksgiving there were 36 people at the table for the holiday! The food is delicious (everyone brings something) but what makes the dinner even more special is our grace. Everyone shares something they are thankful for and then we thank the Lord for the food and for being together and we ask him to bless our meal and time together. It is a special tradition and I love the time together.

Valentine's Day is another special holiday for my family, but I don't have any pictures of our family's Valentine's Day tradition. Ever since I can remember, my mom has always made a Valentine's Day breakfast, complete with a red table cloth on the table, heart shaped pancakes, red cranberry juice, a little goodie bag and a Valentine from her and my dad. For my family, Valentine's Day has always been about taking the day to really celebrate the love we have for one another. Now, don't get me wrong, we celebrated love everyday in my house, with "I Love You"s, hugs and kisses, but Valentine's Day we celebrated it even a little more, by taking the time to eat a special breakfast together as a family. This year, all of the significant others were included in the Valentine's Day breakfast, which meant a lot to my parents and to each of the siblings who are dating those significant ones! :)

Well now you all know all about my favorite holidays! Thanks for reading!!



Monday, March 7, 2011

30 Day Photo Challenge- Playing Catch Up!- Day 17

Day 17- A Photo of Something That Has Impacted Your Life Recently
I am the Chapter Advisor for my sorority which means every Monday night I head to the AXiD House for their weekly Chapter Meeting. A few weeks ago one of our alumnae members, who is now a marriage & family therapist, came to the meeting to do an educational program on love, relationships and marriage. It was awesome! She gave us all note cards to take notes on and above is a photo of the front of my card. Her program was all about the 10 most important things you must have in a relationship in order for that relationship to become a successful marriage someday. Her purpose was to help us, as women, understand and identify those things you must have in your relationship if you are thinking about marrying that person. She said if you didn't have those things, that is a red flag and you need to take a step back an evaluate that relationship.
The program really impacted me because it made me realize how much I've grown and learned in the last few years. As I sat there listening and taking notes, I realized that for the first time in my life I am in a healthy and loving relationship that has true potential to turn into a healthy and successful marriage someday. I am very thankful for the lessons I've learned, thankful for the heartbreaks, and thankful for the mistakes I've made because they helped prepare me for the relationship I have with Dustin. Grandma always said that God lets bad things happen so good things can happen. I've always known she was right, but even more so now.

30 Day Photo Challenge- Playing Catch Up!- Day 16

Day 16- A Photo of Something That is On Your Bucket List
One of the things on my list is to visit a foreign country, and Ireland is the country I would love to visit someday!!

30 Day Photo Challenge- Playing Catch Up!- Day 15

Day 15- A Photo of Something You've Accomplished From Your "Bucket List"
Last May I did the Lincoln 1/2 Marathon, which was on my bucket list. My goal was just to finish the race and I did just that. This year I am registered to do it again, but this time my goal is improve my time!

30 Day Photo Challenge- Playing Catch Up!- Day 14

Day 14- A picture of Someone You Couldn't Imagine Your Life Without

It was way too hard to pick just one person I could not imagine my life without and then I got to thinking, it's more like what is the one thing I could not imagine my life without and the answer was love. I couldn't imagine my life without ALL of the people I love and who love me. My parents, grandparents, siblings, aunts, uncles, cousins, pets, friends, Dustin, extended family.... all of my "loves" have helped shaped me into the person I am today.

30 Day Photo Challenge- Playing Catch Up!- Day 13

Day 30- A Photo of Your Day

This photo should have been posted last Sunday, February 27, and I spent that day hanging out with Dustin and Chloe. Dustin was watching NASCAR races on TV and told him that since I started dating him I've watched more NASCAR and have learned more about NASCAR than I ever have in my life. One of the reasons I love him is that he is willing to share the things he loves with me and takes the time to teach me more about them.

30 Day Photo Challenge- Playing Catch Up!- Day 12

Day 12- A Photo of Your Favorite Food

I couldn't pick between my favorite dinner food and my favorite dessert food, so I am posting both pictures- mashed potatoes & corn is my hands down favorite dinner food and chocolate cheesecake is my favorite dessert food. What's your favorite food?

30 Day Photo Challenge- Playing Catch Up!- Day 11

Day 11- A Photo of You Doing Something You Love

I love to sing and I love to sing karaoke. I am not that awesome, but I have so much fun and that's why I sing!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

30 Day Photo Challenge- Playing Catch Up!

I hate that this happened, but I got behind on my 30 Day Photo Challenge, so I am catching up today!

Day 9- A Photo of Your Favorite Band
If I was doing this challenge 12 years ago this would be a picture of NSync, but at this point in my life, my favorite band is Lady Antebellum. My sister and I went to a Martina McBride concert a few years ago when Lady A was just getting big and they opened the show. They are an awesome band and I love their songs.

Day 10- A Picture of Somewhere You'd Love to Travel
They are saying we are going to get hard with 6-10 inches of snow tomorrow. Right about now would be a great time to be sitting on the beach. I just returned from an amazing mini-vacation at a Bed and Breakfast but I'd still like to travel to a beach sometime.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

30 Day Photo Challenge- Day 8

Day 8- A Photo That Makes You Laugh
This picture is very random but makes me laugh every time I look at it. I was in Chicago with a Dana and Beth to visit our good friend Amanda (who is in the photo with me.) We flew in early that night but still ended up going out on the town to see the sights and have some fun. A few hours later we started walking home. Beth and Dana were a few steps ahead of me deciding if they were going to stop and get some food and Furry (Amanda) was talking to her new friend from Ireland. My feet were killing me after wearing high heels all night. I ended up tripping on a crack in the sidewalk and when I say trip I mean I completely wiped out! My shoe even came off! Dana, Beth and Furry were totally cracking up. I was laughing pretty hard myself- partially because the fall caught me completely off guard and there were tons of people around and partially because I could not get up. My friends were too busy laughing but this nice man came to my rescue! Every time I see this picture I smile because the whole thing was pretty funny and the whole trip was a lot of fun!

Monday, February 21, 2011

30 Day Photo Challenge- Day 7

Day 7- A Photo of Your Most Treasured Item

Chloe is my most treasured "item" and my world would be incomplete without her in it! I love this picture of her because she is showing her tooth trying to show how though she is even though she has a bow in her hair. She is tough but sweet, energetic, loving and I treasure her and the joy she brings to my life, VERY much.

Love ya, Chloe!

30 Day Photo Challenge- Day 6

Day 6- A Photo of Someone You'd Love to Trade Places with for a Day

I would LOVE to trade places with Celine Dion for a day! She is a very talented singer who is very personable and friendly in concert and put on the BEST concert, hands down! She also loves her family and she has an awesome life and she gets to make the world a better place by sharing her talent and singing songs of love and hope to millions of people around the world. LOVE HER!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

30 Day Photo Challenge- Day 5

Day 5- A Photo of A Favorite Memory

I am lucky to have many favorite memories with my family members and friends, so I had a hard time picking one photo for this day. I picked this picture because it was from one of my favorite summers (2008) and one of my favorite nights in Indy. My summer in Indy with my fellow ELCs was VERY memorable for many reasons but the two biggest reasons are...
1. We. had. so. much. fun. SERIOUSLY! We made so many memories and we even made a book of some of the ridiculously funny one liners that came out of our mouths.
2. I changed, for the better, in many ways during my time in Indy. I had just got out of a long and serious relationship two weeks before coming to training. I didn't totally know who I was on my own and I had to leave all of my friends and family behind and try and figure it out. The ladies in this picture helped me to do just that. They quickly became my family away from home, my best friends, my sisters, my advice givers and some of the best co-workers I've ever had. I will always cherish the time we spent together and the memories we made. ~ TFJ

Friday, February 18, 2011

30 Day Photo Challenge- Day 4

Day 4- A Photo of Your Night
Last night I was the Director on Duty and it was kind of an eventful night at work, so I was there until about 8:20 PM. I knew Dustin was coming over to hang out with Chloe until I got home and to hang out with me for the night. He told me he would have a surprise for me when I got home. When I walked in the door he had a card for me, which I thought was the surprise because I love cards and he is always writing me notes but he's never given me a card before, so I went to the living room to sit down and read it. As I walked into the living room he kind of freaked out and was like,"no stay in here and help me get dinner ready." He was heating up Chinese food so I was like, "no you've got it, I am going to read this."
The note he wrote me in the card was about how he loves me and he "loves my love the most" (Eric Church) and that how even though he loves me he can't forgo the other stuff he loves, like fishing, so he wanted to give me a fishing pole so I can do something he loves with him! The next thing I know he is standing there with my very own fishing pole, I should say, pink fishing pole! The fishing pole had been sitting in the living room while I was reading the card!I was so excited!! He then reminded me that catching a fish is on my "to do list," and now I could try doing that!
Many of you probably do not know this, but when I was 6 years old I went through a fishing stage. That's right, this girly-girl went through a fishing stage. I wanted my own fishing pole for my birthday, which I got, and I even received a fishing Santa ornament for Christmas that year. The phase did not last too long, but there's always been a little part of me drawn to fishing, and now that I have my very own pole, I can go fishing! And to top it off, I can go fishing with the boy I love!!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

30 Day Photo Challenge- Day 3

Day 3- A Photo of the Cast of Your Favorite Show

It is a tie between Glee and Grey's- LOVE both shows. Modern Family is working it's way up there and soon I am sure there will be a 3 way tie!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

30 Day Photo Challenge- Day 2

Day 2- A Picture of You and the Person You've Been Closest With the Longest

Someone once said that the best thing about having a sister is that we always have a friend. I met my sister, Stefanie, when I was 18 months old. In many ways we are a lot a like and in many ways we are totally different. We fight together, we laugh together, we cry together. We have heart to hearts about anything and everything. I try to protect her, I've bossed her around, I've been too motherly, but she's my baby sister, what can I say! We've gone through the agony of cleaning our room together at least 100 times, we've spent countless nights keeping each other safe when we were afraid of the dark and countless hours playing house, school and anything else our immaginations came up with. There is a home video from the day I went to the hosptial when Stef was born. In the video, I was sitting on Grandpa's lap and holding Stefanie with him. I just kept running my hand over her head and kissing her. I kept saying she was "my baby," because she was my baby sister. Since that day Stef has become the person I've been the closest with the longest, one of my best friends who will always understand me and love me for me, and I will always be the same for her.

Love you sis!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

30 Day Photo Challenge- Day 1

Day 1- A Photo of Yourself with 10 Facts About You.

I picked this picture because it is one of the few non-posed photos of just me. I was laughing at my brothers who kept making fun of me trying to take a posed picture. This picture kind of explains me- I do things that people often tease me about, but I don't care, and I love to have fun and I love to laugh with them.

Now, my 10 facts in no particular order...

1. I have a strong faith in the Lord God above and I believe in the power of prayer.

2. My family & friends mean the world to me. I am who I am because of their part in my life. I am so lucky and blessed to be loved and to love them.

3. I love working with children. They make me smile and laugh, they make me stop and think and even those ones out there who give me a run for my money teach me something about myself- patience, understanding, empathy- they teach me things that help me grow.

4. I will never stop being an Alpha Xi Delta.

5. I love Chloe. She is my dog-child. She is the best little cuddle bug around. Dogs are a great example of unconditional love.

6. I love ladybugs, the color red and gerbera dasies. They all make me smile.

7. I love Dusty-D. He loves me for me, chooses to love me through the good and the bad. And even though he loves me just the way I am, I find myself wanting to be my best self because I am so supported and loved.

8. I am a hopeless romantic. Valentine's Day will always be a big deal to me. I will always love (writing and getting) love letters and cards. I love sappy movies and romantic comedies. I love love stories and love songs. To sum it all up- I love love.

9. I have terrible teeth. They look pretty, I brush 2 times a day and floss, but don't be fooled, I've had 6 root canals, several cavities and several crowns. The dentist assured me today I won't end up loosing all me teeth. Whew!

10. I am not a great cook, but I do love to cook and I am getting better. I love cooking with my Grandma's cook books and recipes.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

My 10 Bests from 2010!

Happy New Year Everyone!!

Can you believe the first month of 2011 is already over? They say time flies when you are having fun, and 2010 was very fun for me and the year seemed to fly by. I have a feeling 2011 might be the same way. It makes you stop and realize we need to be thankful for the time and the moments we do have. Cherish the memories and the people we love for those are what shape who we are.

In honor of that thought, I wanted to take a second to just reflect on 2010 and my top 10 bests for which I am thankful! I even put together a little slideshow of some of my favorite photos.

My 10 Bests from 2010:

1. Becoming a homeowner! It was crazy and scary but I was able to buy a cute little house to call my own.

2. Family & Friend Time! Spending lots of quality time with family during our trips to Okoboji(twice), San Diego, Branched Oak, and Lawrence, Kansas for Jim & Heather’s wedding. I love my family, I love our adventures and our sillyness they make my life joyful! A girls weekend in Kansas City, a few girls nights at my new house, nights out in Omaha and Lincoln, and a Western Nebraska Winery tour and stay at the Cool Family Farm made for one awesome year with friends as well. Can’t wait for all of the adventures of 2011!

3. Checking off the Lincoln ½ Marathon from my list of things to do before I turn 25! I plan on participating again this year just to improve my time!!

4. Being a Bridesmaid times 2! Being a part of two weddings. Two of my best friends Matt and Amanda were married on May 29, 2010 and one of my best friends, Anita, married Jeff on August 7, 2010! Both were beautiful weddings and I was so happy to be a part of them! I also loved the bachelorette parties and showers leading up to the weddings because we all had so much fun- good times with great friends. Looking forward to being a bridesmaid in Alysa’s wedding and to the other weddings in 2011!

5. Alpha Xi Delta Sisterhood! Volunteering for Alpha Xi Delta at a National level in 2010 was really a treat because I was able to work with two of my best friends, Winter and Laura, who were both ELCs with me when I traveled in 2008-2009. Winter and I spent some time in Lincoln/Manhattan Kansas and La and I spent some time in Indianapolis. It was also awesome to work with the lovely ladies of Alpha Eta at Purdue University. I spent a great deal of time working with their chapter when I was an ELC, and so it was great to spend time working with them this past fall. I was also appointed to be the Chapter Advisor for my own Alpha Xi Delta’s Rho Chapter when my Chapter Advisor, Becky, was appointed to be the National Recruitment Director. It was a very exciting change and opportunity for both of us! I am loving it and have been thankful for the opportunity so far!

6. Chloe turned 1! My baby/puppy, Chloe girl, turned 1 this summer and in September we celebrated her being in my life for 1 year! Chloe is the best little dog in my life and I am so thankful she is in my life!

7. Celebrating birthdays and the holidays with my family and friends was another best of 2010. Between the family get togethers, birthday parties, Thanksgivings and Christmas celebrations with family and the holiday dinner party with friends, my heart was filled with many great memories that I will cherish for years to come!

8. The birth of my best friend’s daughter Brooklyn! I had so much fun throwing a baby shower for Liz and Brooklyn this summer and have had even more fun when I get to play with little Brooklyn! She is such a cute, beautiful miracle! My cousin, Jared, and his wife, Andrea, also had a beautiful baby girl, Addi, who is so sweet! Love them both!!

9.The last Husker football season in the Big 12! We won some, we lost some. I tailgated for almost every home game and Dana and I cheered loud in Manhattan, Kansas when we took on the Wildcats one last time. Go Big Red! Looking forward to our first season in the Big 10!

10. I saved one of the best for last, but my favorite part of 2010 was meeting and falling in love with the man of my dreams, Dustin Wilcox. We went on our first date on August 4 and it’s crazy how much he’s changed my life. I am crazy about that boy and he is crazy about me! We are so excited for our first entire year together and for all of the adventures that await us!

I plan to savor my "bests" from 2011 and I hope you will too! I wish you are yours a very happy and healthy 2011!


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