Friday, February 18, 2011

30 Day Photo Challenge- Day 4

Day 4- A Photo of Your Night
Last night I was the Director on Duty and it was kind of an eventful night at work, so I was there until about 8:20 PM. I knew Dustin was coming over to hang out with Chloe until I got home and to hang out with me for the night. He told me he would have a surprise for me when I got home. When I walked in the door he had a card for me, which I thought was the surprise because I love cards and he is always writing me notes but he's never given me a card before, so I went to the living room to sit down and read it. As I walked into the living room he kind of freaked out and was like,"no stay in here and help me get dinner ready." He was heating up Chinese food so I was like, "no you've got it, I am going to read this."
The note he wrote me in the card was about how he loves me and he "loves my love the most" (Eric Church) and that how even though he loves me he can't forgo the other stuff he loves, like fishing, so he wanted to give me a fishing pole so I can do something he loves with him! The next thing I know he is standing there with my very own fishing pole, I should say, pink fishing pole! The fishing pole had been sitting in the living room while I was reading the card!I was so excited!! He then reminded me that catching a fish is on my "to do list," and now I could try doing that!
Many of you probably do not know this, but when I was 6 years old I went through a fishing stage. That's right, this girly-girl went through a fishing stage. I wanted my own fishing pole for my birthday, which I got, and I even received a fishing Santa ornament for Christmas that year. The phase did not last too long, but there's always been a little part of me drawn to fishing, and now that I have my very own pole, I can go fishing! And to top it off, I can go fishing with the boy I love!!

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