Tuesday, February 1, 2011

My 10 Bests from 2010!

Happy New Year Everyone!!

Can you believe the first month of 2011 is already over? They say time flies when you are having fun, and 2010 was very fun for me and the year seemed to fly by. I have a feeling 2011 might be the same way. It makes you stop and realize we need to be thankful for the time and the moments we do have. Cherish the memories and the people we love for those are what shape who we are.

In honor of that thought, I wanted to take a second to just reflect on 2010 and my top 10 bests for which I am thankful! I even put together a little slideshow of some of my favorite photos.

My 10 Bests from 2010:

1. Becoming a homeowner! It was crazy and scary but I was able to buy a cute little house to call my own.

2. Family & Friend Time! Spending lots of quality time with family during our trips to Okoboji(twice), San Diego, Branched Oak, and Lawrence, Kansas for Jim & Heather’s wedding. I love my family, I love our adventures and our sillyness they make my life joyful! A girls weekend in Kansas City, a few girls nights at my new house, nights out in Omaha and Lincoln, and a Western Nebraska Winery tour and stay at the Cool Family Farm made for one awesome year with friends as well. Can’t wait for all of the adventures of 2011!

3. Checking off the Lincoln ½ Marathon from my list of things to do before I turn 25! I plan on participating again this year just to improve my time!!

4. Being a Bridesmaid times 2! Being a part of two weddings. Two of my best friends Matt and Amanda were married on May 29, 2010 and one of my best friends, Anita, married Jeff on August 7, 2010! Both were beautiful weddings and I was so happy to be a part of them! I also loved the bachelorette parties and showers leading up to the weddings because we all had so much fun- good times with great friends. Looking forward to being a bridesmaid in Alysa’s wedding and to the other weddings in 2011!

5. Alpha Xi Delta Sisterhood! Volunteering for Alpha Xi Delta at a National level in 2010 was really a treat because I was able to work with two of my best friends, Winter and Laura, who were both ELCs with me when I traveled in 2008-2009. Winter and I spent some time in Lincoln/Manhattan Kansas and La and I spent some time in Indianapolis. It was also awesome to work with the lovely ladies of Alpha Eta at Purdue University. I spent a great deal of time working with their chapter when I was an ELC, and so it was great to spend time working with them this past fall. I was also appointed to be the Chapter Advisor for my own Alpha Xi Delta’s Rho Chapter when my Chapter Advisor, Becky, was appointed to be the National Recruitment Director. It was a very exciting change and opportunity for both of us! I am loving it and have been thankful for the opportunity so far!

6. Chloe turned 1! My baby/puppy, Chloe girl, turned 1 this summer and in September we celebrated her being in my life for 1 year! Chloe is the best little dog in my life and I am so thankful she is in my life!

7. Celebrating birthdays and the holidays with my family and friends was another best of 2010. Between the family get togethers, birthday parties, Thanksgivings and Christmas celebrations with family and the holiday dinner party with friends, my heart was filled with many great memories that I will cherish for years to come!

8. The birth of my best friend’s daughter Brooklyn! I had so much fun throwing a baby shower for Liz and Brooklyn this summer and have had even more fun when I get to play with little Brooklyn! She is such a cute, beautiful miracle! My cousin, Jared, and his wife, Andrea, also had a beautiful baby girl, Addi, who is so sweet! Love them both!!

9.The last Husker football season in the Big 12! We won some, we lost some. I tailgated for almost every home game and Dana and I cheered loud in Manhattan, Kansas when we took on the Wildcats one last time. Go Big Red! Looking forward to our first season in the Big 10!

10. I saved one of the best for last, but my favorite part of 2010 was meeting and falling in love with the man of my dreams, Dustin Wilcox. We went on our first date on August 4 and it’s crazy how much he’s changed my life. I am crazy about that boy and he is crazy about me! We are so excited for our first entire year together and for all of the adventures that await us!

I plan to savor my "bests" from 2011 and I hope you will too! I wish you are yours a very happy and healthy 2011!


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1 comment:

Kim said...

Great list and slideshow! Your 2010 was awesome. Can't wait to see how 2011 treats you. Very sweet I bet.